Happy First Birthday my sweetheart [爱心]
Thanks for enjoying yourself and bringing everyone a blast party!
It was a year of snuggles, sleepless nights, diaper blowouts and firsts of all kinds. Congrats to you and us for rocking year one of parenthood. I believe we all are loving the journey.
Author: Novamummy
Rudy’s First Birthday Party 🥳
6/10 is my best friend Rudy’s first birthday party 🥳. We were busy moving home but we still managed to stop by. He has a super cool dinosaur 🦕 themed party and many family members from grand-grand parents to grandparents, and other uncles and aunties. I’m jealous! Will I have a birthday party too? I don’t know. My parents are so busy and tired these days.
Incidents happening
I had 2 unexpected incidents today: the first one is that I now so minor, crawling everywhere, I accidentally stuck my butt under the couch. I principally folded myself with head and legs out, while butts under the couch, it’s was painful but I recovered in a few minutes. The second one is that I dozed off on our way from farmers market walk. Mama put me on their bed to sleep when we got home, I crawled over the bed and fell onto the floor half sleeping— glad the bed is not too high and we have carpet. It’s my first time falling from a certain height and I went back to sleep after a few wales.
I didn’t get hurt from either accident. I know that babies are very resilient and easily can recover from falls. But I still don’t like the feel of a sudden bump / some sort of hurting.
Sleepless school life
It’s hard to sleep at school and I don’t want to waste my time on sleep either when I’m at school. So everyday when papa picks me up, I start to sleep to make up my naps until dinner or over dinner time. Mama thinks it’s a waste of time of me sleep at home too as she wants to play / go out with me. Ehhh, why I only have 24hrs a day, can I have 48hrs a day? Thank you!